Tall Handsome Stranger Poem by Sherri Vogel

Tall Handsome Stranger

I was a sophomore when I saw him, he was standing in the hall
Waiting for a schedule change, leaning on the wall.
His hair was brown and curly, he wore a baseball cap
High tops and a pair of jeans a T-shirt to top that.
I watched him and admired him and prayed someday we'd meet
This gorgeous guy with gorgeous eyes who swept me off my feet.
It was the first day of school and the last class of the day
I looked and he was sitting just four rows away.
So all during that first semester, I didn't learn a lot
But I finally got to hear his name, the guy who was so hot.
And although I had him in the class we never spoke at all
And it was a rare occasion when I saw him in the hall.
Not that it really mattered, I always walked on by
We were just two people who never bothered saying hi.
Well, first semester came and went
And the gorgeous guy I never met.
Second semester was not nearly as fine
I looked but he wasn't in a class of mine.
Then junior year came at last
But looking back went way too fast.
'Cause again we never spoke at all
I hardly seen him in the hall
Once in a while I'd see him at lunch
Other then that not too much.
Well, senior year of '89
I finally met this dream of mine.
One night in April I gave him a call
That tall handsome stranger who wandered the hall.
A close friend of mine wanted to know
If he had a Prom date and if not would he go.
She needed a partner and thought he'd be fine
So I dialed the number and he answered the line.
After telling the story, I told him goodbye
And called a week later to hear his reply.
Well, the story continues they never did go
When he thought it over he decided on no.
Lo' and behold I'll never forget
This strange funny way of how we both met.
After senior year ended it was a sad day
His family packed up and moved on their way.
And somehow the distance mattered too much
After all of this time we still lost touch.
Looking back now I still recall
That tall handsome stranger who wandered the hall.

I wrote a lot of poems about this guy. Though I barely knew him, there was something about him that inspired me to write. I started writing this poem in high school back in 1989. I finished it on Saturday, May 28,1994. A week later, the night of, June 4,1994, I was in a bar in Dickinson, North Dakota, with a friend, and as we were heading out the door, guess who's eyes met mine. Just so happened he was going to college and that is where he was sent to do his intern for the summer. Was this:

a.) Ironic

b.) Coincidence

c.) God's Plan

I'd have to say, (c) , it was God's Plan. The older I get, the more I am starting to realize that I think we are all here to take God's tests. We either pass the test or we fail. If you pass your soul moves forward and you become spiritually stronger. If you fail, God will give you another test somewhere further down the line to see if you've learned from your mistakes. He puts us in situations or circumstances, beyond our control. At birth, God gives us 'Free Will' the power to choose right from wrong. The ability to make our own decisions. Though he is with us all the time, he never tells us what we should or shouldn't do. He lets us be the judge and make the decision. I do believe we are never alone in this world. I believe God is always with us, wherever we go. I believe he is our soul, our spiritual being. He doesn't judge us. He's giving us the opportunity to learn what it is we need to learn in life, so we can grow and become a stronger, better person. Our reason for being sent to earth is to find love - unconditional love. We already have that with God. 'God gives us unconditional love.' We just have to accept him in our life and ask for forgiveness to save us from our sins. If you learn from your mistakes and try becoming a better person in the future, then your soul is going in the right direction. I am Catholic. I went to Catholic School for eight years before entering High School. I do not go to church the way I probably should anymore. There are a lot of people who do, and ask for forgiveness, but continue choosing to do what's wrong instead of right anyway. I have values and character and I believe I have the Church, God, and my parents to thank for that. However, now that I am older, I feel more spiritual and close to God when I am outside with nature. I do feel my soul is growing closer to him and that is the reason I am able to open up and let people get to know the 'true me.' I kept that person hidden for a very long time because I didn't even know who I was. Lucky for me, God blessed me with many talents. I chose to follow my path and his path. There is peer pressure in the world. People sometimes choose doing wrong over right, but they've got to remember they are human. Human's make mistakes! Only God is perfect!

I'll bet I am not the only person who's experienced running into a 'major crush' from the past. Someone you built up in your mind to be the perfect person. I'll bet everybody has their own story they could tell regarding what happened in their situation. Some people probably just talked, others probably 'hooked up' and who knows where that situation led. I think my brother and his wife are the lucky few. They were two souls who met in 'High School.' Their souls became friends first. God's plan was they journey down their separate road a while so their souls could grow and mature. In time, when God felt they were ready he brought the two back together to become 'one' in marriage.

The one thing I think is really sad, in life, are all those people who are 'lost souls' trying to find God. Many who have fallen so low turn to outside guidance from someone they believe they can trust. A mortal soul who's actually sick and lost themself. If they actually are wanting to guide these 'lost souls' why would they be hurting them the way they are? Why would they be taking money and belongings from these poor innocent victims? If they know the truth and were actual followers of God, wouldn't they just tell people the truth? If you want to find God look inside yourself. That's where God is! People don't need some prophet claiming he is God's messenger if all he plans on doing is taking advantage of them. God would never do that. Anyone on earth can claim their a messenger sent from God. God is not mortal. He doesn't live on earth. He's immortal and he lives inside your heart. If you want to find God and Unconditional Love try searching inward instead of outward. It's been a long journey to get where I am today. I only hope I can help others get there faster then I did. Hopefully, those 'lost souls' still out there, will be able to find their way too. I think it is sad that God gives people the gift of 'Free Will' and yet so many people choose to trust a mortal (man or woman) . Many of those people are not good people. Their purpose in life is to control and dictate others (out of greed) . They're people who are dishonest and only looking out for themself. God only wants his people to know the truth so eventually they see the Light!

Sherri Vogel

Sherri Vogel

Bismarck, North Dakota
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