Tannakin (Scene 8) Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

Tannakin (Scene 8)

scene 8
the fairy queen comes for tea
Elizabeth the first is touring england, visiting her wards.Her first stop is burghley house.Edward, anne and the rest of the family wait outside the front of the house for her.Her carriage arrives.Full pomp and ceremony as usual.The burghleys greet her.Burghley takes her hand as they walk slowly up into the entrance hall.Edward, anne, mildred and the rest of the entourage follow behind.
A sunny afternoon in burghleys garden.The queen sits on her garden throne(a high backed white wicker chair) , under the royal marquee.Burghley stands by her side.She sees edward, anne and the rest of the royal children playing.She calls to edward and anne.'Edward, anne'.Edward and anne come hurrying over.The queen gestures, she wants to see edward perform.Edward and anne do an elizabethan jig.Edward revels in showing off.The other children join in the dancing.The queen is enthralled, she claps with joy.The mood is jovial and gay.After a while elizabeth turns to burghley, she offers her hand.Burghley takes it and helps her from her throne.They go for a walk around the garden.Burghley by her side, holding her hand.They walk slowly, with edward, anne and mildred following behind about fifteen meters.The rest of the entourage follow behind them.Elizabeth address' burghley,
'how is my ward burghley'?
'fine, fine', replies burghley.
'there was a slight problem your majesty but it has been resolved now'(refering to the murder) .
'resolved. are you sure burghley'?
'yes your majesty, the matter is settled'
(the queen feigns ignorance.Burghley is not her only spy) .
'there is the matter of lord oxfords inheritance though mum'
'yes', replies the queen, 'well go on'
'me lord wants to attend his fathers estate mum'
'quite right', says the queen.
Burghley interjects'your majesty, you do realize if edward takes possession of his fathers estate he also takes possession of the largest standing army in england'
'really', again she feigns ignorance.
Burghley continues, 'if me lord in his wisdom were for some reason to decide to oppose your majesty's graciousness, a problem may ensue'
(rebellion/civil war)
'i see', says elizabeth, 'and what do you suggest burghley'
(she already knows what the answer will be)
'well your majesty me lord does live a rather ostentatious life.He is living beyond his means mum.these debts will take time to settle'
'yes, of course.Sort this matter burghley.Discretion is always best'
'i agree your majesty'
They continue walking a bit.Burghley is still holding her hand.
'Does edward have a suitor(*don't know if thats the proper term) burghley'?
'A marriage was arranged your majesty but a problem has arisen.The arrangements have been annulled'.
'oh, really! ', responds the queen. Again feigning ignorance.
The queen stops walking.The whole entourage stops in its tracks.
She turns to face burghley then turns to look at edward and anne, who are dilly dallying along.She then turns back to face burghley.
'anne and edward look so happy together burghley'
'annes only fourteen your majesty'
the queen retorts, 'she won't be fourteen forever burghley'
'yes your majesty', burghley tries to hide his displeasure.
She turns to face the front and they continue their stroll in silence.The entourage follows.They walk around the garden path and back to the marquee.Burghley helps her to her throne.He then stands by her side.
The queen summons anne and edward again.
'children, children.Continue', she gestures for them to perform.
The party starts again.Burghley is not partying.He stands by the queens side.He looks over at anne and edward playing.What must be done must be done, he thinks to himself.Elizabeth, anne and edward are enjoying themselves so much they are oblivious to the rest of the world.Elizabeth unexpectedly turns and catches burghleys eye.She grins but burghley can only whince.She then turns back to watch edward and anne dancing.
'splendid, splendid', claps the queen.
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