Tarry A Little........ My Dreams! Poem by Shree Bangalore

Tarry A Little........ My Dreams!

Rating: 4.3

Tarry a little........ my DREAMS!
and listen to me
here is a plea to you all
seeking your soliticitations!

Stay away, OFF from me.
Have spent much of time with you,
and am as much BORED of you
as you are of me!

You hover around like the
eagles across the high skies
on my MINDSCAPES.......
seeking the carcasses of my past moments

Though the falcons & vultures do so
supported by the
from Mother Earth,

Your circumambulations..........
i do not know, whence forth
does enjoy its bearings,
except from my NEVER-ENDING
DESIRES and Vasanas.....

I need to SOaR high in the skies
beyond that of the MINDSCAPES.
Kindly, i would feel BLESSED
with your tucking up yourselves
into a neat pile of SILENT -STILLNESS
so that WE ALL could REACH
the uncharted domains and SPACES
which we never did all this while,
Supported with the GRACE of
the SAT-GURU.........

Shall we all agree on this
that we are into a contract
to CO-OPERATE and commission
on an UnCharted flight
across the UNKNOWN terrians
beyond the MINDSCAPES

Till we encounter THAT Treasure island of
which we essentially ARE.
- to HEAL through all UNFINISHED gestalts
and STAY LIBERATED to eternity;
Free, free from all FEARS,
desires and TOXINS of the Human Mind!


Alka Kumar 12 April 2009

shree, your poetic expressions really leave the reader speechless. you are among the best. hope to see a lot more.

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Indira Renganathan 10 April 2009

Excellent outpour of musing, pondering on a truthful reverie...congratulations Thambi

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Reshma Ramesh 04 April 2009

very well penned.....................superb

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Indira Babbellapati 04 April 2009

how nicely u have given expression to the ultimate meaning of human life! i'm floored...

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Chitra - 04 April 2009

uplifting...soaring high in the skies free from toxins.

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