I cried today because I do not know;
but I feel something is very wrong in your situation.
I stopped.
Yes I stopped asking how I should send your money to you that I owe,
for I realised your responses did not flow easy as usual.
The words you did not say revealed your state to me.
For a reason unknown to me, you were in grief.
Such grief that made you unable to freely engage in word.
It made you retreat; coil back into yourself.
Grief so great it shut you emotionally down.
Your words to me were very polite, cool as in cold; noninformative and aloof.
This is not the you I've come to know.
I cried for you today because I know as women, there are sadnesses and griefs so great we cannot talk about.
As we regroup our inner self, an early stage befalls us when we cannot engage outside our inner terrain.
All this I sensed from the brevity and blandness of your responses to me today.
I stopped, and sent you a message of hope and trust in the power and protection of God instead, (a shot in the dark) .
I cried for your tender heart that I sensed was torn, and your mind overwhelmed.
May God our Father hold you close to His bosom; comfort you and give you solace and renewed hope, and strength of life to go on.
My heart was moved with compassion for you today...
May you be comforted.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem