Zeh SheZ

Zeh SheZ Poems

Give me a poem.
Pen me a prose
to strum my heart strings;
to woo my tears out of their caves,

Will I never a hug from you enjoy...
A fleeting handshake in passing,
is all I have to be contented with.

This goodnight could be goodbye
For never again will I come by,
After searching many years
In the wasting of untold tears,

(The heart of man)
The place of God's holiness, where His people worship Him. A sanctuary where they are protected by Him.

Oh my heart, I would that thou shalt be akin to Zion, abounding in truth, humility and righteousness. Worshipping King Jesus, for He is your God. He is the One Who protects you from this raging world and it's tumult.

I cried today because I do not know;
but I feel something is very wrong in your situation.

I stopped.

Time stood still as she pondered this truth.

She came to accept that she was tainted, and no self-respecting man would want anything to do with her. She was divorced; a divorced woman. Therefore if she married anyone, she'd be committing adultery. Also, if any man were to take her for a wife, he'd be committing adultery.

I speak not to you,
but the invisible.
That which lays inside of you,
I would love to meet.

Great pain and grief,
I saw etched in your eyes.
You knew I knew it,
for in it we both did share.

Teach us, Oh Father,
so that we may walk in unity.
For even as we may be seperated in body from the brethren, we are (in Spirit) , united in Christ. Our Spiritual bodies form our oneness in Christ Jesus Your Son.

Gate your heart,
then guard it well.
From all negatives
guide it far.

Aloof the heart is cold and lone.
A willing heart we appreciate.
But then a heart that loves is best.

It Takes Two...

When you think it's time 
for your pain to name,

If that tonic was in your backpack from start,
you remember how it worked magic at first,
binding you in a sweet relationship.
That tonic does not expire.

Before we meet,
of your existence,
I'll never lose hope.

When you have loved
to the moon and back,
did you find a sky beyond the moon
that you could not traverse?

Zeh SheZ Biography

I was born on a freezing midwinter Thursday, yet in cold weather I do not thrive, but strive. Though not aloof, I am an introvert and reserved, but I've often been shoved into leadership positions, kicking and screaming. I prefer writing to talking, yet I've been asked to give motivational talks; at one instance as a guest speaker. And I've always been extremely surprised by the positive reception and elated response to my talks. In June 2021 I published my maiden book of prose: Live Again, A Choice; having turned my back to, and distanced myself from the source of pain depicted in part one of my prose book of 3 parts. I also design bespoke outfits for ladies, and sometimes for gents. They love them to bits, which gives me untold satisfaction. I have been young, and now I'm old, very old, but I continue to seek further growing up in ways fulfilling and wholesome. That is why, amongst other things, I love reading stuff written to enlighten; and enjoy intelligent conversation on whatever subject is at hand. I mostly write prose: no particular rhyme nor rythm. I accept and respect that other peoples perspective is theirs and may differ from mine; and mine also is mine and may differ from other peoples. That's fine too.)

The Best Poem Of Zeh SheZ

Draw My Tears Today.

Give me a poem.
Pen me a prose
to strum my heart strings;
to woo my tears out of their caves,
so they journey down my face
to their favourite departure place;
at the point of my chin.

Write me a poem,
that when I read my will shifts;
my emotions seek to know your feelings
that drove you from your bosom to bring forth
such thoughts as these you share;
that cause my spirit to moan with compassion.

Give me a line to reveal your soul to me;
the depth of the excellence of the Spirit that revealed to you the nothingness of your life in yourself;
displayed by you through your poetic utterances.

How you stretch yourself to your utmost to express;
to reveal in you the vulnerability of being you.

Breathe out the steam of stormy turmoil,
that churn in the core of your portals within.
The swords lancing your soul from inside;
Looking for an exit into the atmosphere,
to erupt, and then to vaporise.

Allow me under your skin to look, so I can see you from your angle.
Have me see you as never before in your pain and tears, as you fight to expel the fermented sludge within,
that has destroyed your spirit in deadly chunks;
at a time you thought being macho was supreme.

You will not crumble, nor burn like vampires, to ashes.
You will not fall.
I will have you in my embrace enclosed;
holding your tearful and panicked eyes with mine,
moist and speaking what only the heart can hear.

I will, in full view
see your crushed and broken soul.
Your bruised heart in pieces, bleeding still,
while you fear too much was revealed in
your moment of truth.

My heart will swell to fullness in my bosom
with agape and compassion for you;
grateful to the graceful God Who is Love.

My hand with gentleness will lift your chin
for your eyes to tilt to the sky above,
the face of God the Son to seek,
Who has waited long
for you to come home to heal.

My soul shall fill
with joyous songs of hope for you at last,
if that prose for me
your hand with spirited passion would scribe.
Instead of lifting your hand with force
on my face to land.

Give me that poem today.

Zeh SheZ Comments

Zeh SheZ Quotes

Although the heart may know its own brokenness, blessed is the soul intentionally tutoring to it compassion.

You may be differently abled. Some may call you disabled, But you're not unable.

Seeing is different from watching. We cannot blame any one for what we watch.

If you love them without words, they'll know you do. Tell them you do without the acts, they'll soon be gone.

If you love them without words, they'll know you do. Tell them you do without the acts, they'll soon be gone.

(For Christ's Family.) All the horrors of our past don't matter anymore. What matters is: Do we have peace in Christ today? Blessed are those who understand this. More blessed are them that seek and find Gods Peace. Wisdom is finding this Peace sooner rather than later.

(For Christ's Family.) All the horrors of our past don't matter anymore. What matters is: Do we have peace in Christ today? Blessed are those who understand this. More blessed are them that seek and find Gods Peace. Wisdom is finding this Peace sooner rather than later.

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