Zeh SheZ Poems

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Draw My Tears Today.

Give me a poem.
Pen me a prose
to strum my heart strings;
to woo my tears out of their caves,

Just A Hug.

Will I never a hug from you enjoy...
A fleeting handshake in passing,
is all I have to be contented with.

This Moment Is It.

This goodnight could be goodbye
For never again will I come by,
After searching many years
In the wasting of untold tears,

The Zion Inside.

(The heart of man)
The place of God's holiness, where His people worship Him. A sanctuary where they are protected by Him.

Oh my heart, I would that thou shalt be akin to Zion, abounding in truth, humility and righteousness. Worshipping King Jesus, for He is your God. He is the One Who protects you from this raging world and it's tumult.

Tears For Unknown Anguish.

I cried today because I do not know;
but I feel something is very wrong in your situation.

I stopped.


Time stood still as she pondered this truth.

She came to accept that she was tainted, and no self-respecting man would want anything to do with her. She was divorced; a divorced woman. Therefore if she married anyone, she'd be committing adultery. Also, if any man were to take her for a wife, he'd be committing adultery.

To Know You.

I speak not to you,
but the invisible.
That which lays inside of you,
I would love to meet.

The Way We Were.

Great pain and grief,
I saw etched in your eyes.
You knew I knew it,
for in it we both did share.

Shall We Pray.

Teach us, Oh Father,
so that we may walk in unity.
For even as we may be seperated in body from the brethren, we are (in Spirit) , united in Christ. Our Spiritual bodies form our oneness in Christ Jesus Your Son.

Peace Be With You.

Gate your heart,
then guard it well.
From all negatives
guide it far.

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