I didn't understand you right off the bat.
When you said that we needed to take a step back
In our relationship, we were going way to fast
But now we, barely talk, will it still last?
I understand you now, and your reasons too,
And it's only because you want me to give all my heart to God and not you.
I'm so thankful that you told me this,
Because other guys wouldn't have, they would've dropped our friendship all together what a tisk-tisk!
But you, you had to tell me the truth,
And I know it wasn't easy for you too.
I'm so thankful that you did it and we were able to still work out a plan,
That I will focus on God and my bible studies, and our friendship will still stand.
You said that you consider me as someone you care about, one of your closest friends,
I'm so deeply flattered byt that, that I don't ever want our friendship to end.
Thank you, for putting me in my place
And now I am falling in love with God that should put a smile on your face.
Thank you for taking the time to help me see the truth.
No matter what you say though, in my heart, there will alwys be a place for you.
Thank You!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem