That Was In Outer Spaces Poem by Liza Sud

That Was In Outer Spaces

That was in outer spaces
Who wrote like Daniel,
Brotherhood waits there
And for your soul as well.

And the total adjustment
Your soul is waiting here.
It's like the light's corpuscle,
Flaring like a tear.

It is a common glitter:
one in all, all in one.
These are God's mines of brilliants -
true Communion of God.

all will become perfect,
cause God will always rule,
that's what it means to go
through all times to the Truth.


Тот был в незримых пространствах,
Кто как Даниил писал,
Там в мировое братство
Ждут тебя до конца.

Полного исправленья
Ждет здесь душа,
Словно корпускул света,
Сверкающий, как слеза.

Общее это мерцанье,
все - в одном, ты - во всех,
россыпи бриллиантов -
Причастники во Христе.

достигнут там совершенства
все, ибо Бог ведет,
вот что значит движенье
к Истине всех времен.

Monday, March 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: brotherhood
Daniel Brick 18 March 2016

s the /daniel in this poem the Old Trstament Judge whon rescued an innocent woman from calumny, saved fthree young martyrs, interpreted the dreams of pagan rulers and prophecied the End of thre World? Or is the Daniel - ME? It could nfit both nDaniels - Me and ther Other Daniel! Prophet and Poet.Saint and sinner?

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