The Annihilation Of Selfhood And The Fulfillment Of Love Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

The Annihilation Of Selfhood And The Fulfillment Of Love

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True mysticism is never self-seeking.
It is not the pursuit of supernatural joys.

It is not the satisfaction of any high ambition.
The mystic does not even seek the happiness
of the beatific vision, the ecstasy of the union
with the Absolute, or any other personal award.

Only with the annihilation of selfhood
comes the fulfillment of love.
(Graphic: craving of the soul from Genovamaaa's collections in photobucket)

The Annihilation Of Selfhood And The Fulfillment Of Love
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: consciousness,transcendent
Glen Kappy 11 February 2017

Hi, Tony! I was attracted to the title and so read this one. Here is my experience, such as it is, of these things. It is true that our touching God is not the things you mention in the first two stanzas. Though, as in my experience, the desperation to meet God may be admixed with selfishness and misconceptions about what it is. But though I have had mystical experiences, brief but profound, I find I still live with the donkey of my carnal self. If I understand St. Paul correctly as he explains in Romans 7, as long as we inhabit these earthly bodies we will struggle against its demands and, instead, do the best we can to follow the promptings of love. Is your experience different than this? Glen

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