If You Die Before Me Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

If You Die Before Me

Rating: 4.7

If you die before me
I would jump down into your grave
and hug you so innocently
that angels will become jealous.

I shall kiss you.
So intimately shall I kiss you
that your breath becomes mine.
In one breath of love shall
we merge into hugs of true joy.

Your heart shall beat
in rhythms unheard
like the drums of the desert
and the wild forest in the night.

You shall murmur in my ears:
'Ohpress me to your chest;
Tear open your chest,
Make way for me
to enter into your loving heart
that beats only for me in resounding colors.

Tell me please Oh my lover
Is it a rainbow that I see?
or the glow of a burning pyre?
Why is it that I cannot utter it in words?
Tell me glorious angels of love:
What am I experiencing in uncountable
moments of indescribable inner comfort?

Shivering in your presence
I shall long to dance with you.

If the dark souls lead you to Hades
I will dance and dance with you
even in the nether world.

We shall dance soft and then wild.
We shall dance together
as one body and soul
and break the fetters of hell
through love that emanates from our dance.

Dance so long and fine like a poem
until the Lords of the dark would faint.

Breaking the fetters of Hades
the white angelsattired in beauty
shall fly down to pick you up on golden cradles
and carry you to the world of God.

Soyou will be free and fly away
from me into the world of the heavens
where angels shall kiss your sacred body.
You will be attired in gold and white
and in varied colors in tune
with the flowers of heaven.

Then you need no space to live and breathe.

Into that world of purity you will go
and I will be here on earth
dreaming of your joys with
the Heavenly spirits.

Shall I wait?

Shall I wait at dusk and dawn
in sobs and a heaving heart
with such desire and passion
to reach you one day
in your world of happiness.

(It is the belief that once your lady love dies before you, she has to go to the Hades and there she has to dance so fiercely and lovingly to make the Lords of Darkness faint and then she shall be free from the chains of hell.
Here the living lover is ready to go to hell to dance with her most fiercely and save her from the hell)

If You Die Before Me
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Sanjukta Sahoo 04 September 2017

If you die before me I would jump down into your grave and hug you so innocently Beautiful poem..Great poem sir. Thanks. 10+++++

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Ravi Kopra 11 October 2017

Just imagine his wife eighty seven dies her husband, eighty nine jumps into her grave and cries, not only she's dead his hips broke (no orthopedic surgeon is there at the funeral) the mourners try to pull him out he resists and gives kisses to her lips so passionately that her breath dead wife's breath! ? becomes his own the embalmer's lipstick becomes his own and his soul becomes her own the grave digger standing by says what a pain in the butt - inspired by If You Die Before Me by Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr Antony Theodore 13 October 2017

dear poet, thank u for ur interesting thoughts and comments. i liked and smiled all the way as i read your comment. i wanted to tll u this as answer: death is not death when you reall love. may be u may count love as a mystical experience. that was my intention in writing this poem. thank u dear poet. God bless you. tony

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Dr Antony Theodore 13 October 2017

correction: i wanted to tell u this as answer: death is not death when you really love. May be u may count love as a mystical experience. That was my intention in writing this poem. Thank u dear poet. God bless you. tony

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Duane Lloyd 14 November 2015

Thankyou very much for inviting me to read your poem I have been moved today an I have felt such heightened emotion which your poem has found within me. For such a long time I have only wrote my own words just as an outlet an never shared or even read anyone else's thoughts. I am very humbled that you liked my poem an that I feel I have found something I have been missing for such a long time. Wierd feeling inside I'm glad I found this group of poets! ! !

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Jovan Lopez 06 August 2024

Nice written So amazing

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Besa Dede 19 June 2024

I believe love is Universal and it transcends every barrier. It'd be such a blessing from fate or Creator to be with the one you love in life as well in the afterlife. Beautiful poem! I kindly invite you to read and rate my poem Surging in the deep! ! Thank you, Besa

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Lover and beloved can die separately but cannot go to or heaven separately! If so, then love will be inscribed as the scars of secret hatred! Just great poem

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Michelle Melody 13 May 2024

I like the mystical element, the poet even saving his Love from the depths of Hell... no greater love than the one laid down for a friend(love) Now don't you yourself Poet get stuck with Hades, release yourself from those depths and go to Heaven when you lay your head down.

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Md. Alamin Al Azad 12 May 2024

Nice poem

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