The Answer Poem by Denis Martindale

The Answer

The Son of God is not just an answer, He is the answer.
For God so loved the world He gave His only Son.
Anyone who believes in Him has life for ever more.
He gave His Blood. He died on the Cross to set us free.
What can part us from the love of God?

His Son rose from the dead.
That is the Good News Mark tells us.
Accepting God's love not working for it,
he knew he was saved and had to write
how the Son could change our lives.
Many thought they knew better
until they knew He died for them.
Think how much God loves us
to let His only Son die.
To set us free from the bad,
to do the good God tells us to.

No wonder the world needs the Good News.
There is hope today.
Draw near to God that He may draw near to you.
Asking for help is the first step.
Why think you are quite good
when His Son had to die for you?
When I was told the Good News,
I had to admit I needed God in my life.
Without God, we are nothing.
We stay empty inside. Something is missing.
With God, all things are made new.
Life begins at the Cross. His Son said,
'No-one comes to the Father but by Me.'

Think. Act. Respond with love.
Make something of your life.
Don't leave it too long, too late. It's too important.
So much offered now and to look forward to.
The Good News isn't called the Good News for nothing.
Many songs and stories are shared about the Son of God.
Why is the Good News told to all we can reach?
GOD TV can answer that question.
The Son of God is not just an answer,
He is the answer for you.

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2013.

This is based on the challenge to use the top
1,000 words to share something with others.

The website is splasho-dot-com/upgoer5/

and it features a spellcheck of each word in
the top 1,000 words dictionary, so we may see
any word underlined not listed there...
A maximum of 1500 characters with spaces
meant using a word processor wordcount check.

The website was mentioned in the Bible Society's
WORD IN ACTION, for Summer 2013. It helps
remind how translators have to fit one language
into another, even if just at the most basic level.

Learn more here: biblesociety-dot-org-dot-uk

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