The Best Time To Plant A Tree Poem by Trina Graves

The Best Time To Plant A Tree

Rating: 4.7

The best time to plant a tree
Is twenty years ago
To give it the essential time
To develop, bloom and grow

Of course, this isn't relevant
If you are still a youth
But, I'm sure you can see
This plain and simple truth

Trees are vital to our life
Here on this planet Earth
But do we really appreciate
Our trees, for all their worth?

Some say, if trees gave wi-fi
We would all be planting more
Instead, they give us oxygen
Life's breath, crucial to our core

Trees sustain our life
We're inherently entwined
Why do we chop them down
When other sources we can find?

Every child would benefit from
Planting a tree when they are small
Gaining more than just ‘green fingers'
Through the years as both grow tall

So, if you have not planted a tree
Years ago for time to allow
It's growth and needed life-force
The second best time is NOW

The Best Time To Plant A Tree
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: trees,nature,children
Title and theme are a saying/proverb
Abekah Emmanuel 10 December 2017

Simple and clear message. Trees are essential to our lives, they give us oxygen. I have always believed that they hold a certain magic solution to our lives problems. Who knows, they could be giving free Wi-Fi but perhaps we are too blind to connect to the hot spot. Structurally, I believe the quatrain captures the advocacy well.Also, the rhyme scheme 'abab' gives it a flowing tone and assigns a certain form of regularity not only to the poem's rhythm, but to mother nature as well.

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Yiyan Han 11 November 2017

The best time to plant a tree Is twenty years ago ...... This implies to let younger generation to develop and grow as well. Lovely grand children! Thanks for sharing.

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Jazib Kamalvi 06 August 2017

A nice poetic imagination, Trina. A very sincere write. Trees are really our best friends who breath with our breath. Thank you very much,

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