The Blood Of A Thousand Demons Poem by Linda Racaniello

The Blood Of A Thousand Demons

The blood of a thousand demons
Runs through the veins of an addicts body
As we tighten the tourniquet and ready the syringe
Smack, heroin, cocaine and ice
Are the devils haunted price

Thinking we found God in ecstasy of use
Imagining that this is the answer
We know not what we are doing
as chase what can't be found
until we ourselves are in the ground

The blood of thousand demons
runs rampant in rivers and seas
we think our duty is protect at all costs
By shooting the enemy in foreign land
But war is wrong no matter what sand

You stand tall with machine guns blaring
Killing all that stands or rages before you
You never stopping to think about what happens after
Your job is to kill the insurgents regardless of their brother
But that civilian that got killed in friendly fire, what about his mother

The blood of thousand demons
Rages war in the hearts and minds of so many
Finding the answers is just too much to do
We can’t fix what’s wrong with the world
As evil, insanity and despair is unfurled

Hatred runs rampant, hungers kills most
Homelessness and disease are everywhere
Our prayers to God or whomever don't work
Even if we prayed together it wouldn’t matter
I don’t know what’s worse or sadder

The blood of thousand demons
Is tearing our world apart
No matter what we do or say
We have absolutely no control
The demon, the devil it has no soul

So how do we fight or prepare for this war
Raged against our souls for an eternity in hell
How do we fight what we can’t see
What kind of weapons would we use
to fight that war we didn’t choose

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