The Bon Ouija Fourth Of July Bash! Poem by Ramona Thompson

The Bon Ouija Fourth Of July Bash!

Note-still seeking volunteers for this project. Please inquire if interested.

The day of ulimate freedom is upon us

Here and now let us begin to celebrate

Eternally raising our voices to proclaim our pride

Born to rocket to the top

One musical group will rise above all the rest to be declared

Now and forever more the very best

One of a kind guitars and kick butt songs

U know u wanna be a part of it

Instant blaze of glory status

Just waiting for you

A red, white and blue carpet all rolled out and ready

Forever have your name engraved in the halls of heavy metal history

Open yourself to all the many wonders and adventures ahead

U will become a true hero

Ready to be?

The stuff dreams are made of

Hot, hot, hot!

Only you can fulfill all we seek

Full of that oh so special renegade spirt

Join us now and let us begin to serve our nation the best we can

United as one we can conquer and overcome all

Lingering always in the heart and memories of all

Your destiny right here, right now

Bro! Come on already!

Ain't this everything you want and more?

So what more are you waiting for?

Holding out a hand

Will you or won't you take it?


2019 Ramona Thompson

The Bon Ouija Fourth Of July Bash!
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: culture day
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