The Burden Of Death Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

The Burden Of Death

In somber shadows where silence resides,
There lies a burden no one can disguise.
A weight that's carried upon weary hearts,
As death's cold touch inevitably imparts.

Oh, the burden of death, a solemn affair,
An anguish that lingers, an unanswered prayer.
It visits unbidden, without warning or grace,
Leaving behind sorrow etched on every face.

In tears that fall like rain upon the ground,
Aching souls seek solace, longing to be found.
For death, the great equalizer, spares no one,
From paupers to kings, all under its sun.

The bereaved wander through a world turned gray,
Memories like bittersweet whispers in the fray.
They cling to remnants of love that once bloomed,
Now eclipsed by emptiness, forever entombed.

Grief's tendrils reach out, enveloping the soul,
Leaving scars untold, an unyielding toll.
The burden of death, an unwelcome weight,
A constant companion in sorrow's gait.

Yet amidst the anguish, a glimmer may arise,
A fleeting glimpse of hope amidst tear-filled eyes.
For in the darkness, resilience takes hold,
A strength to endure, a story yet untold.

Through shared remembrance and heartfelt embrace,
We navigate sorrow with grace and with grace.
And though the burden of death we cannot evade,
Love's resilience emerges, undying and unswayed.

So let us remember, in the depths of despair,
That life's fragile beauty is still ours to bear.
For in the tapestry of existence, woven true,
The burden of death is balanced by life anew.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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