The Desk Poem by jamal wooden

The Desk

Rating: 4.7

I sit at my desk, surrounded by papers and pen,
A cup of coffee nearby, my thoughts begin.
Each item in its place, occupying its small space,
I take a deep breath, and let my thoughts unfold.

I put aside my cigarettes, and let my mind roam free,
The words begin to flow, as I try to clear my mind.
I write to free myself from the burdens I bear,
To find solace in the blank page, and silence my doubts.

But as I write, I'm met with uncertainty,
The answers I seek are elusive, leaving me hollow.
I search for meaning in the depths of my mind,
But it's like trying to find a book on a dusty shelf.

The cycle of life repeats itself,
Day follows night, and night follows day.
I'm left searching for answers that may be hidden away,
And wondering what it's all for.

As I lay down my pen,
I can't help but feel regret,
For taking on this profession that seems unsatisfying,
And wondering if I'll ever find my true calling.

Geetha Jayakumar 22 June 2024

A beautiful poem flowing with simplicity yet rotating in daily cycles. Loved reading it. Thanks for sharing.

2 0 Reply
jamal wooden 24 June 2024

Thank you.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 20 June 2024

Congrats being chosen as The Member Poem Of The Day by Powem Hunter and Team

2 0 Reply
jamal wooden 24 June 2024

That felt good, thanks.

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