The Difference Between Emos & Goths Poem by Adrian Cordova

The Difference Between Emos & Goths

Obsessed with pain.
I'm fed up with this destiny that goes on endlessly.
I will bleed to rid myself.
I want to be sung a song that will be as endless as my destiny.
I don't want your lies leading me astray.
Your love, their hate.
Their love, your hate.
It's all burning me away like the way I want it to.
Rejecting society.
I'll never be normal, I never give into it's rules.
I'll hurt myself just to find a way to do things right.
I want your love to give me purpose.
If this is life, I'll just leave.
I just want someone to be a savior, not for me, but for someone who actually needs one.
I'd give you my all, just to have your attention.
Only that will insure that all my pain was worth.
And give my stable passage to death.
I can see pain in others, and I can sympathize with them.
I will Hurt myself.
And just to rid myself of this pain.
I'm sorry but I can't rid you of your pain as well.
ฌ ณ ณ ฆ ฐ ฎ ำ .

Alicia Moore 30 June 2010

Well i dnt c the concept of the title and im not gonna go on bout those ppl.. but its exactly right! it shows ppl wzt they r thinkin.

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