The Dimension Of Compassion 5.26.2008 Poem by Margaret Alice

The Dimension Of Compassion 5.26.2008

Rating: 5.0

There is nothing for me here, Father;
Of course not, my child, the world is
not your real home; Father, I am alone,
crying in despair; Yes my child, you
will water the planet’s parched earth
with the tears from your eyes

Adding to the dimension of compassion
for the sorrow with which this world is
afflicted, poised between heaven and hell;
Father, my tears are scorched, burnt
away, this is hell; Of course my child,
your tears are most needed here;

But Father, I’m burning away! - To learn
to have compassion with others, my child,
you must pass through the fires of hell;
Father, have you no compassion on me? -
Yes, I do, see, I am burning with you,
together, we are facing the flames

Burning in people’s hearts forced to be
criminals by the pain they suffer daily,
the pain of deprivation and hate, the pain
that will only be taken away by the soft
touch of unconditional love; Father, I
cannot help them, I am dying of the
pain of rejection myself…

Rani Turton 26 May 2008

A poem of profoundity and compassion. The actual world and all its problems, many of them based on prejudice, are clearly defined. Thanks Margaret for this fine poem.

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Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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