The Effect Of Love Is Unique! Poem by Ramesh T A

The Effect Of Love Is Unique!

Cool beauty of face certainly brings love nearer to one;
One of the important aspect of life makes love possible;
Possible acquaintance starts there with a smile fresh..;
Fresh, yes, as a flower is with the scent of love enticing!

Enticing nature of love beauty absorbs heart, mind and soul;
Soul of one is in immense state of pleasure by love union;
Union of hearts leads love life better than life of loneliness;
Life is a journey like the beetles that hop over flowers..!

Flowers of exotic kind attracts even the one in melancholy;
Melancholy drives one seek the bosom of love for relief...!
Relief from love relieves one from hardship to state of ease;
Ease of life is assured, when love is confirmed on one in distress!

Distress is turned into delight by the touch of love unique;
Unique indeed is the sway of love that transforms life best!

Richard D Remler 14 April 2019

strikingly vivid and a hoot to read. A fun loop poem. Much enjoyed. tfs

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Ramesh T A 14 April 2019

Thanks a lot for your appreciation and enjoyment of my loop poem about effect of Love, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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