The End Of Marcellus Poem by Marcellus Watts

The End Of Marcellus

The end of Marcellus Watts
Beginning at the age of 14
Stopping at the age of 14
Starting 8th grade to move on
Beginning with pre kinder garden
Starting as bad, changing into fake
Beginning into real
Ending into a true human
Hypocritical, crazy, nice, bipolar
Finally getting his wish
Not knowing it’s too late to change
Beginning of the end like he wanted
Expressing everything he was into words
Explaining it was the end
Leaving behind sad feelings
Leaving behind pleased, unused pleasure
Taking with him his secret
“There” secret of which the world hates
Taking with him his dislike for humanity…
Taking his twisted imagination with him
Leaving behind Himself
So called “the end of Marcellus”
Changes happening all around
Teenager hood coming around
Revealing what his eyes see
To be much worse to his mind
Leaving behind what was not his to inherit but a curse
Changing who he was, but never change,
But changed to others
The end of Marcellus is the end of him
Beginning in change ending in change
Everything canceling each other out as the end happens
He draws the picture to his future
He types the description of blood sex and murder
From his twisted dark deep mind
The end of fake laughs
The end of fake learning and smiles
The end of fake beliefs
The end of the so called answer
The end of kindness and light
The end of forced friendships…
The end of hiding in plain site
“The end of Marcellus…………”

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