The Endless Mystery Universe Is! Poem by Ramesh T A

The Endless Mystery Universe Is!

All twinkling Stars of Universe are Suns of many planetary systems;
Before the end of each Star's span becomes a supernova to a dwarf;
Constellations in the Space we know are counted to be twenty seven;
Dwarf star is dark and intense in density and can be a Bloch Hole too!

Ever the Universe is expanding, scientists say, but may be circling too;
Full idea of Universe is still a mystery needing to be unearthed sure;
Giant red supernova each star becomes at the end before becoming defunct;
Highest point of saturation of a Star is Black Hole at the centre of galaxy!

Is the Universe expanding in straight line or in circular motion ever?
Joy of exploring the mystery of Universe never ends kindling curiosity;
Keeping pace with the knowledge explored, still it makes a mystery sure;
Long explorations have not solved all the problems and doubts of Universe!

Many theories without proofs are increasing by analyses made by many ever;
Nothing seems to have given a final theory of everything so far and so forth;
Open secret is the Universe since the time immemorial to mankind in the world;
Popular theories of Universe are out of the realm of mathematical equations!

Questions of creation and evolution are still remaining on the debating table;
Results cannot be arrived at for so many things as experiments are not possible;
Stars are greatest wonders from childhood on and never seem to be solved yet;
Truth behind this mysterious open secret is still impossible to decipher sure!

Universe kindles thoughts, imaginations, ideas and dreams impossible to stop;
Very nature of Universe is so vast and wide that no one can complete quiz ever;
World of our kind in the Universe too seems to be a great matter to settle yet!

X, Y and Z of this Universal mathematical problem never seems to be solved;
Years of discoveries and explorations also have no end and will not end ever;
Zeal to know this mystery also never seems to end yesterday, today and ever!

Thursday, March 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: universe
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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