The Fall Poem by Trysta Due

The Fall

The doubts in my head
I don't know what to believe,
Do I listen to the voices
Or do I just beg them to leave,
I want to believe what he says
But I've been through this before,
I fell for all the lies they fed me
I still don't know what it's for,
Why do I let them do this to me
Why let them use me for their pleasure,
Because I fell for their lies
Didn't want to believe at any measure,
That they could possibly do that to me
That they would hurt me to get anything,
I was wrong; they did it for their benefit
Now I'm paying the price for believing everything,
I'm broken and hurt for all that happened
I can't believe I let myself go through it all,
I just let it all happen around me like a dream
Knowing no one would catch me I let myself fall,
The only thing is, I haven't hit the bottom
I haven't hit the crash I had expected,
I'm still falling, hitting everything on the way down
And I don't know how to stop the unexpected,
I want it to end, I want it to stop
But right now I don't know if it ever will.

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