The Good Guys Poem by Randy McClave

The Good Guys

The good guys never banned books
Because, they aren't thieves and crooks,
They aren't the ones that are liars
Nor do they toss books in fires.
Bad guys don't want the truth ever taught
Against it they have always fought,
If it's against their teaching and their belief
They will without a doubt burn every book's leaf.
Good guys believe in teachers and their teaching
Banning literature they are not beseeching,
They believe books should be written and read
And all has the right to read what they said.
Books should not be banned
Just because they are written by a different belief or by a different hand,
"Ban books! " The good guys will never screech
And the good guys will never censor speech.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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