The H E L L Poem by Sachidananda Panda

The H E L L

Rating: 5.0

16th Oct like any other day
After the Morning Prayer
I was out on my bike
Amid the Covid fears
Cautious, careful, yet!
Chasing to meet the routine chores,
For the days harvest
Unaware of the design of the destiny
Waiting to snatch my smiles away
Miles apart…!
Helped by two competing cars
Too impetuous and rash on roads
To dash me from back
Despite the fact
That I was on the right track

I was thrown off my bike
Like any projectile to land on
Around twenty feet at a distance
Lying flat on the city street
Covering a patch of six feet four inches
Crashing my helmet and broken collar bones
Unconscious, to draw the attention
Of the passers-by, a few Samaritans
To pick me up from there, sprinkle water
On my head and face to get me back to sense

With all my courage in the spur of the moment
I could make few calls to my relatives
One of my student colleagues
The clustered hands there around
Somehow made me reach hospital at unit-6
The scatterbrains were not around then
Perhaps! Were too early to conclude
That am dead! To flee from the spot
Without an iota of sympathy, or empathy
To have crippled me for the rest of my life
I won't curse on you nor beseech
You don't deserve either
Sans a sense of pity in you
You are no human

Days passed by, as I struggled on hospital bed
Scissors had a free play on my body
In the theatres of doctors dictations
Tied to the strings' of cruel discipline
A free bird under siege, still alive!
Weeks have passed; am yet to get back
To anything one may call as near Normal
Unaware of the duration it would take
When, living a usual life is at stake
I still thank God, the master of all
Take my life! If you wish it so
Pray! Not to grant on me, so much of pain
Not even to those; who on me,
Caused this hell.

©Sachi-31st Oct.2020
All rights reserved

The H E L L
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: apathy,humanity
Kim Barney 01 November 2020

What a horrible ordeal you endured! I hope that you are fully recovered now and will suffer no ill aftereffects!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 31 October 2020

A poignant write! Appreciated the way it is penned.5 🌟

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