The Healer Poem by Gary James Smith

The Healer

Rating: 5.0

The Healer Of Hearts

The Healer of hearts is near
He's at your very heart's door
Looking for relief from the burdens of sin
Then you needn't to look anymore
For God is ever present
He's on a twenty four hour watch
Have you a broken and contrite heart
Come and receive the Master's touch

He knows you better than anyone else
After all.. He's just your Creator!
He knows your beginning and your end
Don't wait to find that out later
Today! Today! If you hear His small voice
Give it a serious true listen
Leave not off the day of Salvation
Or eternal life you'll be missing

But give heed unto His Word
The Spirit will guide you in prayer
Father please help my unbelief
May I adhere to the Words that I hear
For as a sinner Lord I come
I'm acknowledging that in confession
I need You Lord and my earnest desire
Is to have You as my Possession

So here I am Lord just as I am
To receive all..You have for me
Help me to put my faith in You Lord
And know the joy of a soul's liberty
To know the freedom forgiveness gives
And now enabled to forgive others too
Sins domination diminished to dust
The Healer of hearts brings us to!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright June 11 2019 11; 36 AM

Gary James Smith

Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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