The Honey-Sweet Evening Poem by umaprosad das

The Honey-Sweet Evening

When the scorching sunshine of summer slows down to glow
When the cool breeze from the Ganges' heart starts to blow
When the birds from their day's food search return twittering
When from every household sweet conch sounds start blowing
It's the soothing coalescence of day and night in the evening
Retired person walkabout on the open roof at their residence
Unsullied air, in their hearts, eases with comfort, and resilience

When the setting sun gives a warm orange tinge to the sky
When the flock of birds' happily flap their wings in return fly
When in the distant sky a pale crescent silvery moon appears
When office- return persons reach home and meet their dears
It is the honey-sweet evening of excitement, hope, and cheers
Kids tightly hug their parents for the whole day's absence
They relax with the family from the day's exhaustion and tense

When in the temples evening worship to the deities starts
When hymns, chants, bells ringing, conch sounds are its parts
When somewhere from a distant colony folk songs are heard
When some old folks gossip, enjoy fresh air in the Ganges yard
It is the honey-sweet evening of excitement, hope, and cheers
Many things have changed in a village scene in the evening
Cattle in the herd no more go to meadows and return from grazing

The Honey-Sweet Evening
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