The Hour Should Come Poem by MacGregor Tagliaferro

The Hour Should Come

One recluse finds another
They lived in the country
He took care of the livestock
And wrote his love for her
She tended her trees and garden
And painted her love for him
They were as happy as people can be,
Without makin' themselves ridiculous,
And might have been even happier;
But, as a matter of taste,
They chose to stop short
They had a wide capacity for happiness,
Overflowin' with all that the day
And every moment brought them
Their life, like a cape, now doubled
With an infinite ocean of love
Stretchin' out before them
She, his only love, had him
Completely in her power
All he wrote, fine or noble
Came from listenin'
To the beat of her heart
He loved her deeply and truly
He had no love that was not hers
He wanted to speak to her
Of everything in his mind
He loved her. He could not live without her
Wanted to give her everything that was his,
His knowledge, his emotions, his likes,
His dislikes, his dreams, his remorse
Wanted to go through life side by side with her,
Wanted her to believe they would be happy together,
Wanted her to let him love her in his own way,
Wanted her to let him have her heart
Always close to his to hear every
Throb of her life, every sorrow, every joy
Tellin' her more and more until
They grew to be one bein' together
Until the hour should come for them to die

Now these many years later
When he reads this poem
Tears rush to his eyes
Sobs choke his throat
They had only one
Short life in which to love
But then the hour came
For only one of them

Copyright 2013 Cowboy Coleridge

For the Dark Muse February 2013
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