The Last One Standing Poem by Nour AbouelSaad

The Last One Standing

Tell me I will be safe, and I won't be sorry for the paths I have chosen,
Or the ones you pursued me to follow,
Tell me I won't deal with fear again, or the agony of departure,
It won't be easy, but promise me you will try to faint the expected miseries and veil them with caring,
Don't think that by that I am being weak, I don't need you for the fights, but for the way back home
Assure me that I won't have to suffocate into these waves of pain which fill my heart to the brim at certain occasions,
Heart tsunamis that knock all feelings out of me, leaving me drenched with scratches which need years to heal,
Make us disappear, into a better world, to live chapters of a simple story which never gets old,
Don't ask me questions, and don't tell me lies. I would like to keep some of my pieces private and some of my tales untold,
Forgive my complicated nature and my insecurities. Forgive my false hopes and surrender to dreams. Forgive the suns I shine and the moons that lay me back,
Trick me into believing that our lives are our own and any thoughts we carry will never be detrimental to the fragile future we wish to share,
Buy me happiness, if you can do that, and don't pick the easy way. As, if we fail, I would lose myself before losing what we have,
Draw me stars, with sparkles and magic and I will act right upon it. As it won't be deceptions but merely wishful thinking,
See me in bold colours, cut outs of your favorite traits, and forgive me when my colours faint and my flowers wilt,
Hold me close, and call me constantly as if to assure me that it shall pass, whether we care for it or we don't,
Spare me the pain of waiting, the misery of doubting, and my whirlpool of inconsolability
Make me believe that in a parallel universe, we would have lived the same life and made the same choices, with their blacks, whites and their shades of grey,
As at the end, I will have you, as a solace. A token of luck, for the next rounds of life, when I play, praying that I won't be the last one standing

The Last One Standing
Jazib Kamalvi 18 April 2017

Innocent poetic desires from life partner. Thanks.

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