I am sad this morning…Yes, I'm sad at how divided our country has become…
but as tragic as this is…politics is not where my sadness is coming from.
Yes, I'm sad so many politicians and people think freedom gives them the right to hate and be unkind…but, truthfully…this morning politics is the last thing on my mind.
I'm sad for people with cancer, Alzheimer's, ALS…those with devastating diseases trying with every ounce of courage just to stay alive…
I'm sad all I have to offer them are friendship in their battle to survive.
I'm sad for anyone who's unemployed…anyone living in poverty…all those hungry and homeless who tonight will not sleep in the comfort of a bed…
Sad for those who are out there struggling just to keep themselves or their families fed.
I'm sad when it comes to Mother Earth why we don't make more of an attempt…to treat her with the love and caring she deserves instead of our apathy and contempt.
I'm sad all people aren't treated as equals…sad as a species we haven't found a way
to celebrate our differences…instead of letting them get in the way.
So please forgive me if I don't think about politics today…about politicians or politics of any kind…today they do not matter to me…I have more important things on my mind.
Although it does lead me to wonder…
if we concentrated on what really matters in life…
on each other, on being loving, compassionate and kind…
if we spent our time on these…
then politics would always be the last thing on our minds.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem