The Life We Live Is Rare Miracle! Poem by Ramesh T A

The Life We Live Is Rare Miracle!

Rating: 5.0

Not knowing source and destiny, mankind pulls on the days in world life;
With belief and faith, inspired by love, all live life confirmed by food, clothing and shelter;
Inspired and encouraged by Nature, music and Poetry, some aspire for achievement;
And ambition based on knowledge and vision, drives life to push forward to see victory!

By hard works and difficulties unexplained in words, some see success by luck in life;
Devotion and passion to do something to satisfy one's inner self, do a lot to go ahead,
Development and progress only can make one lift up one's head in the society sure;
To achieve that status, all do all possible things in the world and that makes move faster!

Life is not bed of roses to have whatever one likes to enjoy and live life in pleasure ever;
But all hardships are consoled and compensated by the beauty of Nature kindling love sure;
Music producing the mood needed to go ahead in the adventure of life, one enjoy unique thrill;
Above all, for thinking and feeling persons, Poetry lifts up all whenever falling down in the race!

The life we live in this world is rare miracle unlike in the lifeless planets around ours;
Though nothing is sure, Earth is beloved mother of all mothers giving love to all to shine!

The Life We Live Is Rare Miracle!
The life we live in this world is rare miracle unlike in the lifeless planets around ours!
Nabakishore Dash 12 August 2022

a beautifully crafted poem about life.I enjoyed the last two lines.

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Ramesh T A 11 August 2022

Though nothing is sure, Earth is beloved mother of all mothers giving love to all to shine!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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