The Little Jew Boy Poem by Yocheved Saksenberg

The Little Jew Boy

I live in an upside down place.
Where the Devil has a man's face.
One kind does he chase.
And nightmares we have to face.

The sweetie doctor is mean.
They make sure to keep us lean.
And horrors I have seen.
But one day they let us clean.

I eagerly awaited my turn.
And to my mother I expressed my yearn.
She disagreed with harsh stern.
Maybe she was grumpy. She'd had a lot to burn.

From the showers, I was told to stay away.
But from her wishes, I went astray.
On my adventure there was a slight delay.
I knew to stay away from the men wearing a beret.

As I got near,
Something I did hear.
In my heart it struck fear.
And from my eye escaped a tear

I ran back to my mother with my tears streaming.
And to her I asked, 'Mommy, why are they screaming? '

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