The Man And His New Child Poem by Timothy Long

The Man And His New Child

She cried in sadness as her mom passed away, although she knew who he was and was a great man in her past memories, she hope in sincerity he will be her new parent and dad, saving her from a nightmare of life and her saving him to live life death and nightmares of the super natural are defeated and frowned, for her to never be alone again, the evil cursed through generations finally faded, the water so silent in liveliness but death in a rigorous calling for violence, it's not the seeing, but the differences you can of, she leaving this old life behind for him starting a new, old habits died as both started new habits together, one of youth and the other of wisdom, he is happy for his new purpose in life, she's giving him a sigh, he lights up her sky, the man and his new child held together by lone, held together by fate.

Timothy Long

Timothy Long

Auburn, New York
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