The Merciless Fiend Poem by Jess Terry

The Merciless Fiend

Just as it starts,
to go my way,
there she is,
adding another complication,
changing the tides

Then its all gone,
odds against me,
and she disappears,
a merciless fiend,
called 'mother'

Barbara Terry 24 March 2008

Hi Jessica, I know exactly what you mean. read my bio to see what the merciless fiend called mother can really do in her selfish, hating state. You are so right, because even if people don't suffer abuse, they suffer conformity to 'mother's rules' or else. But when I was 14, I was in an insitution, because the merciless fiend called 'mother', didn't want me, because she thought I would mess up her appearances that she was a decent, upstanding woman. Well, she is gone now, and I am still not free of her, because she surfaces everytime I hear a song, read a passage in a book, or hear someone say something the way she used to say it, and then the triggers just pour into me, making me sad and depressed that this merciless fiend refused to accept me as me. But I never let this merciless fiend destroy who I am. Don't you let your merciless fiend destroy you either. Be strong, and hold on to you, because being you, is what is all about. Stay strong Jessica, because it is in our strength that we can heal. Love & hugs, Barbara

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