The Mistress Poem by Robert Edgar Burns

The Mistress

</></> Attractive and alluring
Magnetizing to your minds eye.
She says “I will seduce you! ”
This siren in the night.

It does not take much coaxing.
You are ready to succumb.
She appears to you an angel.
You are decked out like a bum.

She is able to convince you.
You’re the best that’s come along.
With her giggling and her cooing,
She has bought you for a song!

She calls you her “sweet honey! ”
Invites you into her world.
You’ll jump through burning hoops for her,
As you refer to her as “your girl! ”

Does it matter that you’re still married?
Guilt grows smaller every day.
What is shocking is how you don’t observe
Your bank account melting away!

As the funds now total zero,
Your attraction has disappeared.
She won’t return a single call,
And will never again be near!

What has she done with your money?
She’s a prostitute just the same.
After leaving you, she’d take a taxi to,
Purchase some crack cocaine!

Many pain pills daily,
Get melted down in shabby labs.
You then shoot them or inhale them,
And get hooked man really bad!

So if you take a mistress,
One thing to ask yourself.
Do you mind being a pauper,
Or want to hold onto your wealth?

In all the dark poetry I write, I am drawing on my experiences
as a Law Enforcement Officer and receiving ideas from what
others have actually said to me over the years! I am a happy
go lucky guy who just tries to convey the anguish of others in

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