The Next Time I Make Love Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

The Next Time I Make Love

Rating: 4.7

The next time I make love
I will take my time
I will not drink it down quickly
but will savor it like a rare vintage wine
like the chosen words of a rhyme

The next time I make love
I want to feel love
coursing through my heart
and pulsating through my veins
I want to be sure that love reigns

The next time I kiss
I want the feeling to be tender and sweet
I want to inhale her softness as lips meet
a shared and magic moment that will feel complete
as we linger there while our hearts beat

The next time I hold a gentle hand in mine
I want to feel each muscle and tendon qiver
and then recline
as we close our eyes and entwine
in solitude as we lose track of time

The next time someone sings a song to me
I want to shut the rest of the world and feel free
I want to hear the magic and passion in the melody
and watch the care in her face and realize
that she is singing for joy as well as for me

The next time I feel a soft loving embrace
I want to hold on tight and close my eyes
then sneak them open again
to see the beauty of her face
and then melt into her soft grace

The next time I make love
it will be because of love
and not becuase of lust
becuase love does last longer
and lust freezes eventually or turns to rust

The next time I make love
It will be a celebration of care
so happy to have someone really there
who also needs affection and loves to share
knowing lovers true, are few and rare

The next time I make love
I hope to treat the moment as if it's my last
I'll redeem the heartbreak of the past
and I'll whisper a prayer that it will last
because life is short and goes by so fast

The next time I make love
I hope to take things slow
So that love and passion grow
All pent up feelings will blossom and grow
Certain that love is underneath each tender ebb and flow

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