The Poor Bugger Doesn’t Even Know What He Is Into Poem by Gert Strydom

The Poor Bugger Doesn’t Even Know What He Is Into

(in answer to Sally-Ann Murray)

How many times does a woman
set a task, wants a simple or more difficult thing
to be done by a man,
expects something like a embrace, a kiss
to proof that he is in love with her?

But when he does she rationalizes
that he is only great at that thing
and thinks about something else
for him to venture in, to proof his love

and the poor bugger doesn’t even know
what he is into
and how does a man understand
a woman really well
when she doesn’t even know herself?

Let me draw a picture to explain:
it’s a cloudy day and Penny wants to swim
and invites Johnny to join her
at the pool
and Johnny doesn’t really feel up to it,
looks with a worried eye
at the clouds drawing nearer,
at lightning bolts bashing down in the distance

but to make Penny happy Johnny gets undressed,
dresses in swimming trunks, ventures in,
dives from the springboard
in a perfect somersault
and then things are pretty great
between the two of them
but even before they get out of the pool
where rain, hail and thunder
greets them
Penny is convinced that Johnny
has only proofed that he can dive and swim.

[Reference: Surfacing by Sally-Ann Murray]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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