The Problem Poem by Randy McClave

The Problem

A cheap way to get rid of a problem
It is to loan someone a dollar,
To them you then fell off the face of the Earth
No longer do they scream and holler.
As long as they owe you a penny
They are not calling you or beating down your door,
Even after they say they'll pay you back in a year or so
You hear from them never no more.
It is indeed a very good strategy
To loan a dollar to a deadbeat either her or him,
Because, as long as they owe you any money
You are never again bothered or harassed by them.
If anyone has ever asked me to help them monetarily
I would always help out and give them a loan,
Then they would not never ask me ever again
For the rest of their lifetime they will leave me alone.
They think everyone besides them are wealthy
And loaning them money we should happily do,
But, I too have debts and bills as well
And I'm tired of the I.O.U.
Give them a loan now and then be forgotten
And then for them just pray,
It's a cheap way to get rid of a problem
But, "It's money well spent", my mother use to say.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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