The Question Poem by James Nnanyelugo

The Question

It begins with one Question
Sealed with a Ring
The single last line of the quest
A soft smile to broker with the Spring!

The hope of nothing but affirmation
The treasure of a moment so endearing in admiration
The soft, hushed voices in your narrow scalp
The gentle bewilderment of a heart, the sound of thunder clap

What if she says "No"? What if she teases me
What if the world for a moment believes she rejects me
Thoughts, provocations, they make my spine whirl
My head tweaks, and for a moment I could freeze in the cold Wind

I know if I told her I would give her a house on the moon,
I know if I promised her a perfect life with no hustles
If I made her a promise to never let her lift a finger for broom,
I know they would be promises I can't keep

Yet I told her that though the roses have torns,
Though SunRise and SunSet come
Though the thickness of the cloud be dark and crimson
That my heart and hers will one forever be

She smiled, and there, I knew she knew!
She knew that I will be there each day renewed
The freshness of love, engraved in hearts reviewed
Crossroad of affection, never to part unrevealed!

She said Yes! And my life began! !
The clock reset and my heart was split
One was given to her, and half of hers, replaced the replaced
The queen of my Kingdom, a priceless treasure enthroned!

I live, I live to love you
To share your dreams
I live, I live to serve you
To see our kids bear your golden eyes
I live to engrave a profound Nation
The history of Selected Posterity
On the sands of Time with You
I live forever in your arms with loveliest of affections
And I make you a promise, o Mother of Nations
That the sun and the moon are yours, and there: I made the promise!

The Question
Friday, June 22, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: heart song,love and life
If you ever think that the length of time spent before proposal will lessen the goose bumps and the heart throbs, well you might want to think again.

Such was my case on 17th June 2018, when I "Officially" asked her to MARRY ME!
That day happens to be our great friend's birthday, and we made it memorable in all ways.

It's fun to be in love with love.
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