Once she was a person of top talked worldwide
People expected a lot from her
For God and for human she intended to do a lot,
But there occurred an accident
Death abides by the order-
She was famous more for deeds than for beauties
Own cultural, natural and open minded such
Inwardly pained but outwardly laughed
Even on a mishap she was much concerned,
Her royal highness did not affect the general
As her nature showed belongings are simple,
No pride touched her
A princess come ever and ever,
Now, she is but only memory
In the heart of dearest, nearest and many
Still some of them weep and some lament-
The wise will deeply think over it,
The unwise will simply pass saying sorry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 10/7/2016
The Remembrance Of A Princess Died By Accident is a great poem on a great lady
So said this time, but seems as if she painted a good picture with her life in the society. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Her royal highness did not affect the general As her nature showed belongings are simple, No pride touched her A princess come ever and ever,