The River Was High And Its Current Fast Poem by Royston Nella

The River Was High And Its Current Fast

We laid out the picnic in the warm sun
watching the children having great fun.
Then tragedy happened to our surprise.
You fell in the river before our eyes.

The river was high and its current fast,
and you were struggling as you were swept past.
I jumped up and ran as fast as I could,
my legs not moving as well as they should.

Time slowed down as the awful scene played out,
and people near you just stood about.
"Why don't they do something I tried to scream? "
But they stood there as though in a daydream.

As you were swept further away from me
each step I made took an eternity.
Air caught in your coat stopped you sinking down
but waterlogged it could cause you to drown.

My mind worked fast and worked out where you'd be,
and had plotted my paths trajectory.
I managed to get there before you sank,
jumping in and dragging you to the bank.

Pulling you to safety I hugged you tight
"Praise God, " I said "For now you'll be alright, "
and thought how terrible my life would be
if you had been taken away from me.

We drove to a friend's house who lived nearby
wrapped you up so that you were warm and dry.
"I fell in the river, " you said tearfully,
"But my daddy jumped right in and saved me."

With lump in my throat and tear in my eye,
"It was God who saved you, " was my reply.
Now, years later it's my pleasure to see
the lovely woman you've turned out to be.

Friday, October 2, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: river
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