The Satirist Poem by Rohan Bendre

The Satirist

A Salute To The Man, A Salute To The Man,
Hardly he was Proud of Himselves
Hardly he had intelligence
He was Subject of Laughter
Never did he had any poor feelings.
Never did he had any Negative Feelings.
Was'nt he that Special
People would call him Mad
Little did they know A Great Power of Hope was all he had.
Of all the Political Games he was an Active Victim
Only One Reply he had
Work in Teams to Avoid being a Victim
He never had any sorrow over less intelligence
Little did he know his Special Quality was Lack of Speciality.
One Thing He had was The Factual Specialization
That was the day There came the Boys
'' What a Mad Man We have Got
Are we disgusted by his Presence
He has Zero Intelligence.''
There Came The Reply
'' What you said is Indeed True
But Tell me
Don't I Deserve a Reward
In this Days When it comes to Religion
People are very Attacking
Am I Proud of my Religion
But Rarely i Give Importance to such Things Which People Call a Treasure
The Greatest Treasure is Patriotism
And To Inculcate This Treasure I Will Take all Measures.''
He Smiled
'' Doesn't matter how bad my Voice
I Sing to Awaken and not To Rejoice.''
He Continued
' '' In an Attempt of Being Proud of your Religion
Of the Greatest Prism you have Forgot tohe one who protect your Country
All You did was Your InTangible Bravery
But Hardly did you tried to create Awakening
You can do a lot
Oppose the Creul in all the ways Possible
Make Sure Criminal Punishment is that Possible
I May be Dumb
I am doubly Smart
In creating Awareness i play an Active Part.
I Proud to be Indian.

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