The Silent Soul Poem by Adilson Pinto

The Silent Soul

Rating: 4.8

I love to hear my silent soul
She who speaks to me softly
She who is humble, she who doesn't move
She who doesn't agitate herself at all!
My ego goes into panic when he realizes her presence...
He doesn't feel able to understand her patterns
Her way of being... He is crazy: he speaks aloud
He gesticulates, he cries, he feels a deep confidence now
But he feels a great unsafety soon after...

My ego just makes me to experience deep shame...

My silent soul notwithstanding is like the night and its shining stars...

Or like a lake and its soft waves...

My silent soul is contemplative and passionate
But even her passion is made of deep serenity
Like a woodland where only the birds sing
And the Buddha meditates...

The Silent Soul
Monday, October 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophical
Kumarmani Mahakul 23 October 2017

Silent soul softly and beautifully speaks. Silent soul is contemplative and passionate and this deeply impacts mind with philosophical presentation makes this poem very lovely. This is nice to feel love's essence. Brilliant poem is very interestingly drafted. ..10

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Adilson Pinto

Adilson Pinto

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