The Sky Poem by rinki nandy

The Sky

Rating: 5.0

The sky was talking to me at the break of dawn, told me to forget all about myself, even if for a while.
It seemed amazing, soft clouds became my friends, like fairies i have known all my life...was delighted to see them,
like the time had frozen and memories of a different time were all but shadows.
Saw the first moon smiling at me, was soothing, had the look like it's freedom freed from the chains of instability.
The sky was painted crimson, it was pure and expressionless....motionless, i stood still...surrounded by the aura of beauty
all by myself, i was alone....we were alone....locked up in that moment...expressions lost in time.....
i felt empty and light with nothing to wish for....nothing i wanted anymore....just blank.
This was another world, cold as ice....a vacuum which can not be filled...
didn't feel the need to talk...words were not necessary anymore.
I was drowning in the spell....occupied by unknown emotions...captured by the highest powers and left alone to surrender in vain.
it hypnotized me, scared me surprisingly.....taking me to a state of hysteria...
until i was, cold and calm....until i closed my eyes and made a vow to never look at the sky again.

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 16 January 2010

The sky was talking to me at the break of dawn, told me to forget all about myself, even if for a while...forget for a while and then think of whole world.... uwill find unique nicely composed poem..i loved dear rinky read mine i miss.....childhood, , , child, , no teacher please

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Danny H 25 December 2009

Beautiful and quite insightful: ] imagination really was needed to create this

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