The Swan King. Poem by Sandra Kavanagh Josefsson

The Swan King.

All you wanted was a world of peace,
a world of music and art.
A place where people could be themselves,
A land where dreams could start.

You loved the nature of your land.
You immersed in all its fineness.
The beauty of the mountains,
and of your peoples kindness.

Wagner you adored.
You tried to instill the culture.
You had so much interest for architecture,
but alas you were surrounded by vultures.

Why is it when anyone who tries to do good,
it is destroyed by evil men.
All you wanted to do was to have peace instead of war.
But in the end there was nothing you could do,
when it came knocking on your door.

So they proclaimed you insane
and locked you up.
As if that was not enough,
you were shot in the back
on your daily walk,
or so it was revealed during talk.

But your people remember you,
your Bavarian folk.
They remember your art, your castles and your gentle ways.
You will be remembered as the Swan King,
till the end of days.

Verse: Sandra Kavanagh (c) .
Based on the life of Ludvig the second. King of Bavaria.1845 - 1886.

The Swan King.
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