Thunder And Lightning. Poem by Sandra Kavanagh Josefsson

Thunder And Lightning.

Rating: 4.5

Thunder and Lightning
was frightening when we were small.
Now we are older and a little bolder.
It does not seem to matter at all.

The house can shake.
The rain can pelt the window hard.
with each crash of power.
the fascination can tower.

Beautiful lights of white from the sky.
Thunderous noise from way up high.
"God is moving his furniture" my Mam
used to say.
Us children would be huddled together all day.

Now I love listening to every pound.
Does not matter if no one is around.
A force of nature comes to ground.
Thunder and Lightning do your sound.

Verse: Sandra Kavanagh Josefsson (c) .

Sunday, August 25, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: weather
Bri Edwards 12 February 2023

I have trouble deciding between voting 3 OR 4 stars. Ok,4, ...because I'm reminded of days as a child when I could lie on a porch floor, 'safe' under an Army cot, in 1950s, watching for lighting and listening to thunder. ;) bri

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Bri Edwards 12 February 2023

'Us children would be huddled together all day.' I would use 'We children...'

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Bri Edwards 12 February 2023

I thought the first stanza's rhyming was unique and I enjoyed it. I wonder if 'God' enjoyed scaring little kids. Hmmm? ;)

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James G Brennan. 15 May 2020

I love this poem as I love thunder and lightning.

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Bryony Sheldon 25 August 2019

A lovely poem with fantastic rhythm and rhyme structure! 10.

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Sandra Kavanagh 04 September 2019

Thank you Bryony. Much appreciated.

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