The Taught In Our Heads Poem by Kareem Azeez

The Taught In Our Heads

Rating: 5.0

I Wonder!

I wonder as i stand by the balcony
It's the night of those halcyon days
The sky filled with dark clouds like never before
Got the wits to face nature's fury.
A heavy storm is cooking in the skies,
Just a calm night it was supposed to be.
A night filled with calm thoughts.

I wonder if life will be the same when I'm gone.
I wonder if there will be anyone like me
I wonder whose going to fill these boots I have on.
I wonder if I will ever be missed.

If you love me it's better to let me know.
There could never be a better moment.
For everyday is my struggle.
I wonder if am a brave soldier
I wonder who will take care of my old mother when I'm gone.
So many things on my mind I can't even think straight.

Friday, February 8, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
Amir Marandi 21 April 2019

Thoughts filling our minds as we are getting closer to the time of passing. Well written. Is there any afterlife? Does the soul continue its journey?

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