The Towers Are Still Standing Poem by Teresa Tabo

The Towers Are Still Standing

Rating: 5.0

**Note: I wrote this poem the evening of 9/11 after watching the World Trade Center Towers collapse. The President had just addressed the nation on television. And, we knew that because of the attack we were going to war.**

The Towers are still standing...
Through smoke so black and dark...
Twin silhouettes against the sky
Now stand within our hearts.

They stand for courage to go on
When struck a fateful blow;
To fight and stand together fast
Against each mighty foe.

They stand for hope that never wanes
But, grows each hour...each minute...
To help us face each day ahead
And conquer what lies in it.

They stand for faith in mighty God
Our fate still in His Hands.
On bended knee...our voices raised...
His hymns shall fill this land.

They stand for those who died before
To keep this country free;
Blood spilled on home and foreign soil
For precious liberty.

There comes a time to lift our swords
And stand in righteous anger...
A ship with freedom as its sails
And, history its anchor.

So, we prepare to go to war
The stripes and stars unfurled;
And, every blow we strike for peace
Is fought for all the world.

The Towers are still standing
They stand for ALL those free;
Whose hearts shall hold them...lift them high
Throughout eternity!

Jean Dament 21 November 2009

Another great poem that I gave a ten to. I gave all three 10 so far; so you know you are doing well. This is a beautiful poem about the Twin Towers. I am going to save this one. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Jeannie

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Teresa Tabo

Teresa Tabo

Frankfort, Kentucky
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