The Towers Speaking Poem by Ray Hansell

The Towers Speaking

I have to ask this question
Why did you attack me?
What is it you were doing?
What did you want to see?

You killed innocent people
Who had nothing to you
So please tell me what it is
That you wanted to do?

Did you want to send a message?
If so, then to who?
Did you want to fill our souls with fear?
Is that what you were trying to do?

Or were you trying to tell my country
With them you disagree
If that is the case
Then why did you destroy me?

We were just two tall buildings
Where thousands would go each day
To do their job and make a living
In a hundred different ways

You killed so many people
Some jumped to their deaths
Many did it willingly
Some I'm sure had regrets

You killed all races of people
Some from your own land
Why did you cause this carnage?
We just don't understand

You finally had your say
You had it all planned out
When your mission was finished
In many minds you left no doubt

Your goal was plain and simple
That was to kill as many people as you could
The only good thing to come out of this
Is that the suicide bombers died like they should


Ray Hansell

Ray Hansell

New Jersey
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