The Truth About Time Poem by Adelina Amare

The Truth About Time

Rating: 5.0

She told me she made friends with Time,
An immortal who hates mankind.
I told her he is no friend, far from one.
He will just keep on spinning his wheel after she's gone,
And he will do so without a care.
For the ones that get endings, no grief he will bear,
For he will never get an end,
Neither will his immortal friends.

Time feels no emotion and is obsessed with his immortality.
He loves that he is more powerful than all mortals, and will be for an eternity.
Nothing and no one can make him care for a soul.
Nothing and no one can rid the world of his control.
We are forever tied to him; he always calls the shots,
And we never can, for there is no way to turn back the clock.
He receives satisfaction in knowing we can never cheat him.
He is not a fair man; he will never grant us our freedom.

He welcomes the future and leaves the past behind.
He never speaks of what future brings, just carelessly lets it arrive.
He would not change it for anyone.
He would never not let the bad come.
When the future tells him that her end will soon come,
He will not save her; he will not tell her where to run.
He will let the future arrive and put her in her grave.
No life will he ever save.

Because time will always let the future arrive,
He will not stop the good from coming with its tide.
He may bring death, dissatisfaction, shame, and grief,
But he also brings love, hope, happiness, and peace.
Indeed, time is overly secretive, selfish, and wicked,
But that does not mean he never grants your wishes.
Just remember that even though he brings good, you can never make a deal
With the secretive immortal who forever spins his wheel.

Written 30 July,2020
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