The Mirror Poem by Adelina Amare

The Mirror

Rating: 5.0

A boat travels on the sea.
It has only a slight sway.
The passenger lies still on the deck;
Upward his eyes gaze.

The moon hangs low and still,
And the sea mirrors its calm.
The waves are gentle and soothing;
No storm shall come along.

The stillness of the moon
Settles the traveler's mind.
He is entranced by the scene above,
Drunk on the serene night as if it were wine.

In body, soul, and mind,
He mirrors the moon;
Still and at peace.
For stressful thoughts there is no room.

Soon the boat docks,
And the traveler, still half in meditation
Steps out onto the old wood and walks,
Though he is uncertain of his destination.

Then distant music drifts to his ears,
And he is fully awake.
He pauses, looks 'round, then strides in the direction
Of that music which his awakened soul cannot forsake.

A young man plays the clarinet,
And the traveler dances gaily
And wonders how one man and one instrument
Can produce a tune so lively.

In body, soul, and mind,
He mirrors the tune;
He is effervescent and so, so free;
Not still like the moon.

Soon he surrenders to the music
And lets it take hold of his soul.
He does not resist
When it draws him into its folds.

He has become one with the music,
And is home among these melodies from the past;
A mirror becoming one
With what is in front of the glass.

Adrian Antique 28 April 2022

This is very, very good. People we love mirror us. Thank you for this.

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